Float From 2 Dished Ends
We would like a float that moves through the water easily, has a soft/gentle response to waves,
is strong and durable, and yet not expensive. One possible solution is two aluminum dished ends.
There are
presses that make dished ends in a few hours.
also here.
If we combine two of dished ends we can have a
shape sort of like a flying saucer. If we turn it on its side and put it halfway down in the
water then the part under the water is similar to a boat shape.
I want a "dished only" shape, no flang or knuckle.
I want a diameter of 9.5 feet and a height of 1.5 feet.
So two of these welded to gether would be 9.5 feet diameter and 3 foot thick.
I think 1 cm thick marine aluminum would be good.
I want 3 attachment points that are connected on both sides and for chains to connect to.